Finally sunday!

Hi again,

Victoria and Linn woke up early this morning and went together with Linnea to our beloved Starbucks. Later on, when both I and Catherine were done, we all went down to Santa Barbara downtown for some shopping, manicure and coffee. Neither the shopping guru nor the nail-fixing felt satisfying for me today so instead, I took my book and pc and found a cozy armchair for an enjoyable time with a cup of coffee at Starbucks (they make their annual profit because of us -you’re welcome).


After the girls’ shopping was done, we took the car to K-Mart to buy a trash can and some other necessary stuff for the new apartment and also to Ralph's for some heavy-stuff shopping just to take as much advantage of the rented car as possible. We have to give it back at 8.00am tomorrow morning, feel free to take the keys and do it for us!


Right now Linnea and her friends are having a picnic at our living room floor consisting of wine, cheese, crackers, and grapes. Catherine is preparing a mattress and linen for her friend Romy who is coming to stay with us tonight. Maria H is sitting by her computer and I’m eating some peanuts and writing to you.


It’s an ordinary evening in no 123,



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