Dirty Sexy Money

Sitting in the livingroom watching Dirty Sexy Money, such a nice show! Catherine and Romy just got home from downtown, they have been doing their nails and hanging around with some hot guys. They didn't wanna tell any names but it's hard to believe in this town, or is it?

I have been cleaning so it looks pretty good in here now, how lovely! A cleaned room with candles, tea and a good show. Can it be any better?


Shopping & Taco Night = Success!

Hey everyone


Today went Linnea, Linn and Vicky really early in the morning to Las Vegas to celebrate New Years Eve. Erica, Maria. H and I have been waiting once again for Dave to come and bring our deposit back, which he was supposed to bring already the day before. But we all know Dave he thought he just need to bring Linneas even all of us texted him. Whatever, now we have our money back and we are rich again. That means shopping. Erica went to Starbucks to call her grandmother to thank her for the Christmas money she got. But stupid tjej forgot her headset at home, that means she need to call her tomorrow. Romy and I met her later up at Starbucks and went to do some shopping. I bought a nice bracelet, new shoes and the same Perfume that Erica has and some stuff at Victoria secret. Later on we went to the bank to get some more money and stupid me, forgot my card in the machine. So that a woman needed to run behind me and give it back to me.

To night we had Taco night and Erica was cooking for us. It tasted once again awesome. Because I can’t cook I did the dishes. Now Erica is reading in her new book she got as a Christmas present from her parents, and I’m writing to you guys. Now I need to convince Erica to help me bring out the trash because I’m so afraid to go out alone in the darkness.


Have a nice evening


The forgetting catte blatte  

The world’s cutest tea strainer!

I and Catherine woke up early this morning again to return the car at 8.00am. Before we said goodbye outside USave, I gave Catherine my key to Elise House (David was supposed to come with the deposit today for all of us three but because the elevator doesn’t reach all the way up (as we say in Swedish) he just brought it for Linnea) and the rent for December. After that she took a walk home and I went to United Post Service to get my Christmas package, after that to Starbucks and later on home again.


Linnea and her friends went downtown around noon and are now at the cinema. I think they’re watching something with Sherlock Holmes, very cozy anyway! They have a surprise waiting in their room when they get back ;) I and Maria H have used the well talked about teamwork that we use a lot in no 123 today and the result is of course great!


Now I’m going to continue to read my new book (Den dubbla tystnaden by Marie Ljungstedt), drink a cup of tea (got my favorites from grandma and grandpa; Studio 54 and Rabarber & grädde) and use the new tea strainer I got from Catherine and just enjoy a pleasant time at home.

Take care,


Finally sunday!

Hi again,

Victoria and Linn woke up early this morning and went together with Linnea to our beloved Starbucks. Later on, when both I and Catherine were done, we all went down to Santa Barbara downtown for some shopping, manicure and coffee. Neither the shopping guru nor the nail-fixing felt satisfying for me today so instead, I took my book and pc and found a cozy armchair for an enjoyable time with a cup of coffee at Starbucks (they make their annual profit because of us -you’re welcome).


After the girls’ shopping was done, we took the car to K-Mart to buy a trash can and some other necessary stuff for the new apartment and also to Ralph's for some heavy-stuff shopping just to take as much advantage of the rented car as possible. We have to give it back at 8.00am tomorrow morning, feel free to take the keys and do it for us!


Right now Linnea and her friends are having a picnic at our living room floor consisting of wine, cheese, crackers, and grapes. Catherine is preparing a mattress and linen for her friend Romy who is coming to stay with us tonight. Maria H is sitting by her computer and I’m eating some peanuts and writing to you.


It’s an ordinary evening in no 123,


TIME TO MOVE -Bunk bed, back pain & lost car keys.

Today has been an extremely time efficient day. At 8.00am me and Blatten went to Usave and picked up the van. We drove back to Elise Way to stuff the car full of suit cases, bags and our IKEA shopping. The whole moving process went on pretty good and we were done at around 7.00pm.

Anyone who wants a course in Teamwork and "How to get a good cup of Chai tea" can call me or the other Rock n Roll Roomies for course start and location.

The Buena Vista Apartment no 123 looks incredible now and I already feel much more home here than I have ever felt back in Elise House. We also want to give special thanks to Bill, our new housing manager, who gave Erik (aka Alexander) two new friends; two mums (the flowers’ name). Bill said that he wanted to give us some mums because we are all so far away from our own mums. So cute!

To Maria & Ylva (bw, we miss you); WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!

Later on, Linnea’s friends Viktoria and Linn came here all the way from Sweden. They fell asleep immediately but we will probably see more of them tomorrow. Anyway, welcome girls!

Now it’s just me, Blatten and Linnsy Dinsy that are awake but Blatten is nagging about going to bed so I guess we have to shut this thing off (no one wants an angry Blatte). So now I’m gonna go to bed in my red & pink linen (according to Blatten my yellow linen didn’t fit with her pink decoration).


See you soon!



It rains cats and dogs!

The week started as a big depression - Finals! But because we are the best of the best, we studied hard and all of our finals went on pretty good but we were still relieved when it was over on thursday. Me, Blatten and Yvla celebrated with the final episod of True Blood season 2 (damn Eric Northman is hot!) while Maria and Linnea went to a testosterone-filled party in IV.
Early on friday morning we took the bus downtown to pick up the car we rented for our trip to IKEA. Catherine, who was the one who rented the car, drove the first 20 meters with the hand break in, in other words a good start! I took over the role as driver but we got lost during the way to our beloved Swedish nest so we had to ask about the way at Hilton Hotel. The staff at the hotel wanted us to stay (I'm not surprised; 4 swedish girls and a blatte, who can resist?) but we had to continue our trip. At IKEA we bought everything necessary for the new apartment, ate swedish meatballs and bought candy, caviar, gingerbread and christmas food. At 4pm we went home again in a well filled car and a dry but nice Alexander in the front seat together with Yvla. I thought that I was going to fall asleep standing that night but it seems like some of our roomies are on batteries (rechargeable!!) so they went for some party downtown.
Early this saturday morning me and blatten went to give back the car and then we took a nice power walk back home. The only thing that fucked up our morning was that during the way home, a crazy mexican guy followed us and it ended up with a screaming Catherine and a kind of chocked Erica. After a lot of panic and emotions we finally got in to the house were we found all of the girls saying goodbye to Tina who was taking off for sweden. Later on we all five went to say goodbye to Johanna, Lisen and Carro and we had our very last lunch together in SB at Shoreline Café. Then it was time for some christmas shopping, a new haircut and rain! Rain, rain, and rain! What happened to the lovely Cali weather!? COME BACK, danke schün.
For a couple of hours ago, our landlord came here to give back the deposit to Ylva. It got a bit awkward when he asked for his beige jacket he forgot here some weeks ago. It has been going around in the house, i.e. under Marias pillow and in her closet, and now we founded it outside in the garden. Wtf, put some ranch on it and enjoy David! We have also wrapped in our christmas gifts to each other and handed them out. Catherine thought my gift was the ugliest one (I admit it's not a well experienced wrapper that has made it) but I like the entire idea about giving gifts to each other! Yeeeey, looking forward to Christmas Eve! :)
Now it's time for some Glögg!


The Mighty Ducks and Thanksgiving Tacos

The long weekend started with Catherine, Linnea and me going to Sharkeez Wednesday night for some sober partying..
The line was looong and some pucks tried to squeeze in in front of us, so I kinda lost it. Dancing was fun, but Sharkeez looks very different when you are not under any influence.   

Thanksgiving we were gonna go downtown to a restaurant with the chapala girls, but since everything was closed we changed our minds and headed for taco bell instead! But taco bell was ALSO closed, and McDonalds too, what is happening with the world when you can’t even rely on them? So we made our own tacos instead, and of course I out-ate everyone.

Friday we went shopping downtown and had dinner at a Mexican place, crazy good, then Linnea, Lisen, Carro, Johanna and me went to learn American drinking games from a real American, who knew they are here in SB? Evening ended with me and Linnea walking home, laughing our asses of because of the best misunderstanding ever; "bada i jackans/jacans pool?"

Saturday I went surfing in IV, and later everyone except Catherine went to Oscars surprise dinner at the Brewing Co.  
Later we were gonna study, and to spice it up a bit we decided to drink some wine with our homework. Erica, Ylva and me drank 3 litres together and stayed up until 4 in the morning, discussing everything from religion to cybersex..  

Sunday, we packed in 8 people in the rented van, Johanna, Carro, Lisen, Joel, Catherine, Ylva, Erica and me, and drove off into the horizon to see Anaheim Ducks vs. Phoenix Coyotes in LA. The game was exiting, especially when the gloves came of and they beat each other up a bit. The arena was basically full of testosterone and adrenaline and we were cheering as loud as we could, while stuffing our faces with nachos and cheese.  

Great weekend basically! /Maria

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