Shopping & Taco Night = Success!

Hey everyone


Today went Linnea, Linn and Vicky really early in the morning to Las Vegas to celebrate New Years Eve. Erica, Maria. H and I have been waiting once again for Dave to come and bring our deposit back, which he was supposed to bring already the day before. But we all know Dave he thought he just need to bring Linneas even all of us texted him. Whatever, now we have our money back and we are rich again. That means shopping. Erica went to Starbucks to call her grandmother to thank her for the Christmas money she got. But stupid tjej forgot her headset at home, that means she need to call her tomorrow. Romy and I met her later up at Starbucks and went to do some shopping. I bought a nice bracelet, new shoes and the same Perfume that Erica has and some stuff at Victoria secret. Later on we went to the bank to get some more money and stupid me, forgot my card in the machine. So that a woman needed to run behind me and give it back to me.

To night we had Taco night and Erica was cooking for us. It tasted once again awesome. Because I can’t cook I did the dishes. Now Erica is reading in her new book she got as a Christmas present from her parents, and I’m writing to you guys. Now I need to convince Erica to help me bring out the trash because I’m so afraid to go out alone in the darkness.


Have a nice evening


The forgetting catte blatte  


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