TIME TO MOVE -Bunk bed, back pain & lost car keys.

Today has been an extremely time efficient day. At 8.00am me and Blatten went to Usave and picked up the van. We drove back to Elise Way to stuff the car full of suit cases, bags and our IKEA shopping. The whole moving process went on pretty good and we were done at around 7.00pm.

Anyone who wants a course in Teamwork and "How to get a good cup of Chai tea" can call me or the other Rock n Roll Roomies for course start and location.

The Buena Vista Apartment no 123 looks incredible now and I already feel much more home here than I have ever felt back in Elise House. We also want to give special thanks to Bill, our new housing manager, who gave Erik (aka Alexander) two new friends; two mums (the flowers’ name). Bill said that he wanted to give us some mums because we are all so far away from our own mums. So cute!

To Maria & Ylva (bw, we miss you); WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!

Later on, Linnea’s friends Viktoria and Linn came here all the way from Sweden. They fell asleep immediately but we will probably see more of them tomorrow. Anyway, welcome girls!

Now it’s just me, Blatten and Linnsy Dinsy that are awake but Blatten is nagging about going to bed so I guess we have to shut this thing off (no one wants an angry Blatte). So now I’m gonna go to bed in my red & pink linen (according to Blatten my yellow linen didn’t fit with her pink decoration).


See you soon!



Postat av: Ylva

ooh Bill is so nice! But do you really think that Alexander wants his mom around all the time now when he is living with us ? ;) Too bad that your pink decoration didn't fit with your linen. I miss you too girls! I wonder what the surprise is! :)

Puss from Ylva

2009-12-30 @ 11:19:00
URL: http://ylvajohansson.blogspot.com
Postat av: Erica

So true Ylva, we have to take the mums away when it gets hot in here! That's for sure.

Happy New Year!


2009-12-31 @ 06:06:52
Postat av: Maria

oh bill is so nice! I am so curius about what the surprise might be! really souds like you girls (and eric) has been doing some good teamwork, and you are such good movers! You have really been workig on the blogg really good too! im so happy to read what you have been up to :) Miss you all soo much, but I will be home soon :) kiss ad hug!

2010-01-11 @ 10:53:59

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